Friday, October 24, 2008

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HDB Resale Price Index Quarter 3 2008: Price Rose 4.2% and Rent Rose marginally of less than 1%

HDB’s Resale Price Index (RPI) rose by 4.2% in 3rd Quarter 2008 over the previous quarter, slightly lower than the 4.5% increase seen in 2nd Quarter 2008. Resale transactions increased by about 4%, from about 7,760 cases in Quarter 2 2008 to about 8,110 cases in Quarter 3 2008.

The median Cash-Over-Valuation (COV) amount of all resale transactions in 3rd Quarter 2008 was $19,000. This is a slight decrease compared with the COV of $20,000 in 2nd Quarter 2008.

Overall median sublet rents for HDB flats rose slightly in Quarter 3 2008. Subletting transactions fell slightly by about 4% from about 4,120 cases in Quarter 2 2008 to about 3,960 cases in Quarter 3 2008. The total number of HDB flats approved for subletting rose to about 21,400 units, compared to about 20,200 units in Quarter 2 2008.

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The blogger here has been affectionately named by close allies as "Smart Buyer" but really, he's not smart. Smart Buyer just believes that being prudent is smart. That's the essence of the message of this blog and Smart Buyer hopes it'll benefit other property buyers.

Smart Buyer :)