Friday, November 14, 2008

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HDB BTO Punggol Arcadia Priced Higher than Punggol Sapphire

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) has launched the 750-unit Punggol Arcadia with five-room flats going for as much as $356,000 to $416,000. This represents an increase of between 7-8% compared to the nearby Punggol Sapphire which HDB launched six months ago. Punggol Arcadia and Punggol Sapphire are both are about the same distance to the Punggol MRT/LRT station.

In February this year, HDB also launched Punggol Spring, which is twice the distance away from the MRT/LRT station. Launch prices of Punggol Spring were about 20 per cent lower in comparison to Punggol Arcadia.

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The blogger here has been affectionately named by close allies as "Smart Buyer" but really, he's not smart. Smart Buyer just believes that being prudent is smart. That's the essence of the message of this blog and Smart Buyer hopes it'll benefit other property buyers.

Smart Buyer :)